Cloud security

Cloud and server
Cloud and server
Canonical announcements

Ubuntu Updates for the Meltdown / Spectre Vulnerabilities

by Dustin Kirkland on 4 January 2018

  For up-to-date patch, package, and USN links, please refer to:   Unfortunately, you’ve...

Cloud and server

Security Team Update: October 5, 2017

by Canonical on 5 October 2017

The Security Team weekly reports are intended to be very short summaries of the Security Team’s weekly activities. If you would like to reach the Security...

Internet of Things

Out of date software leaves you vulnerable

by Canonical on 23 March 2017

Two weeks ago, Der Spiegel wrote an article highlighting that out of date software on private clouds was leaving government and political party information...

Cloud and server

New committee to make cloud services instantly safer

by Canonical on 28 March 2014

A few months ago, Canonical started to work with a set of partners to address the challenges around single sign-on for new services within an organisation. We...