Ubuntu Edge

Internet of Things
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Ubuntu Edge thank you

by Canonical on 22 August 2013

Hi everyone So ends a crazy month. We’ve broken records, we’ve been written and talked about across the world, we’ve worn out our F5 keys, and we’ve learned a...

Phone and tablet

An Ubuntu Edge message from Mark Shuttleworth

by Canonical on 13 August 2013

Thanks in large part to all of you, the Ubuntu Edge campaign response has been incredible. In just over three weeks more than 20,000 people have backed the...

Phone and tablet

Crowdfunding-Kampagne für Ubuntu Edge bricht Rekorde

by Canonical on 8 August 2013

Großartige Unterstützung durch Technologie-Enthusiasten aus Deutschland Canonical hat mit seiner Crowdfunding-Initiative zur Entwicklung von Ubuntu Edge...

Phone and tablet

Ubuntu Edge now $695, thanks to major industry backing

by Canonical on 8 August 2013

With 14 days to go, it’s time for our biggest announcement yet. From now until the end of the campaign, we’re fixing the price of the Ubuntu Edge at $695! No...

Phone and tablet

Bloomberg bets big on the Ubuntu Edge

by Canonical on 7 August 2013

The record-breaking Ubuntu Edge crowdfunding campaign has its first major corporate backer, Bloomberg LP. Bloomberg, the financial information, analytics and...

Phone and tablet

Join us at Mobile Monday in San Francisco

by marina-engelvuori on 2 August 2013

And learn more about Ubuntu Edge Mobile Monday Silicon Valley is hosting a meetup in San Francisco on August 12th at 6pm. The session will be “Challenges in...

Phone and tablet

LastPass backs Ubuntu Edge campaign

by Victor Tuson Palau on 1 August 2013

The Ubuntu Edge campaign has new backing from LastPass, provider of the leading online secure password management tool.

Phone and tablet

Ubuntu Edge community round-up

by Victor Tuson Palau on 29 July 2013

The Ubuntu Edge campaign has seen some great responses since it launched, and we wanted to share a few of the best. Perhaps you can send these round and boost...


Ubuntu Edge: Design process

by Canonical on 26 July 2013

Right… so where should we start? First post. Hello, my name is Chee, and I am an industrial designer. In this post I will share some materials, stories and...


Ubuntu Edge: convergence in action

by Victor Tuson Palau on 26 July 2013

To help make the Ubuntu Edge a reality, visit http://igg.me/at/ubuntuedge