

Juju: a logo with a story

by Marcus Haslam on 3 November 2011

Mark Shuttleworth’s keynote this week at the Ubuntu Developer Summit includes introducing Juju, including a big slide showing off the new Juju logo. Below is...


“When Humans make stuff, we tend to make interesting things.”

by Canonical on 2 November 2011

Last night I watched “Press Pause Play” which in it’s own words is a film about fear, hope and digital culture. If you’ve not heard the talk surrounding the...


Picturing the end of the road for another cycle

by Canonical on 30 August 2011

  First of all a big thank you to everyone who submitted a wallpaper to our collection for the Oneiric release and to all our previous selected contributors...


History of the Alphabet (Hebrew, Greek, Cyrillic, Latin, Arabic)

by Canonical on 22 August 2011

The BBC just put up a five-minute audio slideshow “The story of how we got our alphabets” about the development of western writing, starting in 3,000 BC in...


Ubuntu Arabic, in print!

by Canonical on 15 August 2011

A beta of Ubuntu Font Family Arabic, in print as part of the testing and debugging process for the Arabic coverage.The magazine is an intriguing tri-lingual...


Ubuntu Orange is #dd4814

by Canonical on 13 July 2011

Say it loud and say it proud! #dd4814 is the Ubuntu Orange and we want the world to know about it!


Get excited and make things! – Wallpaper edition!

by Canonical on 8 July 2011

Not that long ago Matt Jones of BERG fame came up with a really lovely idea! In response to the keep calm and carry on posters from the Second World War that...


What’s round and sticky and how you can make some!

by Canonical on 30 June 2011

Some of you out there may have already seen that funky print shop just launched a new product, round stickers. This means that you can now upload...


Ubuntu Billboards: Design on a Grand Scale

by Canonical on 28 June 2011

It’s been five years since people spotted the last Ubuntu billboards in the wild. This time Mauricio Pretto sent a set of photographs of driving between the...


Celebrate Ubuntu!

by Canonical on 31 May 2011

At UDS in Budapest we held a session on the idea of a toolkit for community members. It would allow anyone excited enough to show off and celebrate their use...


The Natty Wallpaper contest – an important update!

by Canonical on 26 January 2011

Two weeks into our wallpaper contest we’re seeing lots of really interesting entries for the photographic part. As those of you who read the previous post...


This week in design – 1 October 2010

by Canonical on 1 October 2010

It’s _almost_ there. Happy “so close to release I can almost taste the Ubuntinis” Day everyone! And if you’ve not tried an Ubuntini, well you should. The next...

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