API Endpoints: Users

DELETE /users

Deletes users by their computer IDs and usernames.

Required query parameters:

  • computer_ids: The numerical IDs of the computers.
  • username: The usernames of the users to delete.

Optional query parameters:

  • delete_home: The user’s home directory will also be deleted.

Example request:

curl -X DELETE   -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT" "landscape.canonical.comapi/users?computer_ids=1&usernames=john"

Example output:

	"activity_status": "undelivered",
	"completion_time": null,
	"creation_time": "2024-04-11T15:50:26Z",
	"creator": {
    	"email": "john@example.com",
    	"id": 1,
    	"name": "John Allen Smith"
	"deliver_delay_window": 0,
	"id": 218,
	"parent_id": null,
	"result_code": null,
	"result_text": null,
	"summary": "Delete user john (UID 1000)",
	"type": "ActivityGroup"

GET /users

Get user information from the specified computer.

Path parameters:

  • computer_id: The numerical ID of the computer

Query parameters:

  • None

Example request:

curl -X GET   -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT" "landscape.canonical.com/api/users?computer_id=23"

Example output:

  "count": 2,
  "results": [
  	"enabled": true,
  	"home_phone": null,
  	"location": null,
  	"name": null,
  	"primary_gid": 65534,
  	"uid": 105,
  	"username": "_apt",
  	"work_phone": null
  	"enabled": true,
  	"home_phone": null,
  	"location": null,
  	"name": "backup",
  	"primary_gid": 34,
  	"uid": 34,
  	"username": "backup",
  	"work_phone": null


POST /users

Create an activity to create a user on the specified computers.

Required parameters:

  • computer_ids: he numerical IDs of the computers.
  • username: The username of the new user.
  • name: The title name of the new user.
  • password: The password of the new user.

Optional parameters:

  • require_password_reset: Requires the user to reset their password on first login.
  • primary_groupname: The group the new user will be assigned to.
  • location: The location of the new user.
  • home_phone: The home phone number of the new user.
  • work_phone: The work phone number of the new user.

PUT /users

Create an activity to edit information of a user on the specified computers.

Required parameters:

  • computer_ids: The numerical IDs of the computers.
  • username: The username of an existing user.

Optional parameters:

  • name: The new title name of the existing user.
  • password: The new password for the existing user.
  • primary_groupname: The new group the existing user will be assigned to.
  • location: location of the existing user.
  • home_phone: The home phone number of the existing user.
  • work_phone: The work phone number of the existing user.

POST /users/lock

Create an activity to apply an operation (lock) to users on the specified computers.

Required parameters:

  • computer_ids: The numerical IDs of the computers.
  • usernames: The usernames of the users to apply.

Optional parameters:

  • None

Example request:

curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT" \
  -d '{
	"computer_ids": [1],
	"usernames": ["john"]
  }' \

Example output:

  "id": 226,
  "creation_time": "2024-04-11T15:56:29Z",
  "creator": {
	"name": "John Allen Smith",
	"email": "john@example.com",
	"id": 1
  "type": "ActivityGroup",
  "summary": "Lock out user john (UID 1000)",
  "completion_time": null,
  "parent_id": null,
  "deliver_delay_window": 0,
  "result_text": null,
  "result_code": null,
  "activity_status": "undelivered"

POST /users/unlock

Create an activity to apply an operation (unlock) to users on the specified computers.

Required parameters:

  • computer_ids: The numerical IDs of the computers.
  • usernames: The usernames of the users to apply.

Optional parameters:

  • None

Example request:

curl -X POST   -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT"   -d '{
	"computer_ids": [1],
	"usernames": ["john"]
  }'   https://landscape.canonical.com/api/v2/users/unlock

Example output:

  "id": 228,
  "creation_time": "2024-04-11T15:58:15Z",
  "creator": {
	"name": "John Allen Smith",
	"email": "john@example.com",
	"id": 1
  "type": "ActivityGroup",
  "summary": "Unlock user john (UID 1000)",
  "completion_time": null,
  "parent_id": null,
  "deliver_delay_window": 0,
  "result_text": null,
  "result_code": null,
  "activity_status": "undelivered"

This page was last modified 9 months ago. Help improve this document in the forum.